Monthly Archives: March 2015

Listening to Voices of Romani Women Writers a Way to Challenge the Western Myths about “Gypsies”


This article explores different ways in which Romani people have been misrepresented in the Western literature. To challenge these representations and re-claim voices of Romani people, the article discusses the importance of works by Romani women writers such as Papusza and Hedina Tahirović Sijerčić.

Listening to Voices of Romani Women Writers a Way to Challenge the Western Myths about “Gypsies”

Written by Salome Kokoladze

Dominant power structures are not always working in explicit, violent ways. Sometimes, it is more effective to use subtle tools of oppression that crawl into our everyday lives without us realizing it. In addition to different kinds of oppression that Romani people have been facing, it is also through literature or art that their oppression is perpetuated and systematized. Only in Britain, since the beginning of 20th century, 351 novels, 199 plays, and 133 ballads have been written that represent implicitly or explicitly Romani characters.[1]

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